6 Different Opportunities For Careers In Health And Social Care

During the Coronavirus pandemic, the healthcare workers have come out as warriors who have not only fought against the virus themselves but also helped those who were caught by it. Their contribution in this time has been worth every ounce of respect and honour. And, it is important to give more facilities and infrastructure to the healthcare industry to help these workers in maximizing their potential. Various recent schemes have been recently brought into space which has certainly enhanced careers in health and social care, leading more people to plan their future into it. 

However, whenever we think about careers in health and social care we put a limit on it by counting only doctors and hospital workers in it, even though there are a plethora of different opportunities that require different skill points and strengths of the candidate. In the end, they all are working towards a greater good and making others’ lives a little better and if you’re also interested in something like this, then you should keep on reading about these career options.

Let’s Start With The 6 Most Promising Careers In Health And Social Care

1. Occupational Therapist

These are the therapists which help those, whose health prohibits them from doing even simple activities like getting dressed or doing errands. 

Occupational therapists require to be great at problem-solving and they need to work professionally with both their patients and other healthcare workers and professionals while being empathetic. Also, IT skills are required to keep records. 

They help the patients to regain their movement and independence because of the simple practical solutions they find. If you wish to get into this field, then you would be requiring a degree in health and social care management. Once graduated with a degree your application can be improved if you have a prior work experience(Internship) or have volunteered in a similar field.

2. Care Worker

Another one of the great careers in health and social care are Care Workers. They are responsible for the independent nature of their patients, i.e. they help them to live a life more independently which can mean even carrying out basic activities such as any social or physical activity, helping to shower etc. 

An opportunity to work with different people which could include adults with learning or physical disabilities or those with mental health problems. It is both a physically and emotionally demanding task and you’d be required to work on your initiative and with proper time management. Also, brilliant listening skills are required too.

Begin your career in this field by doing an apprenticeship, where you can learn and earn at the same time.

3. Rehab Worker

These workers help the patients to become self-reliant and live more independently after they’ve had an accident or been ill. People having mental health problems, sight or hearing loss, learning disabilities are the ones primarily taken care of by rehab workers.

They require great communication skills and a good attitude towards people. It’d be great if you have a level 2 or level 3 diploma in Health and Social Care to get a job as a rehab worker.

4. Counsellor

Counselling is an important activity for the patients and counsellors help the patients to overcome a difficult time in their life, like losing a loved one or recently coming across a long-term disability. 

They work on improving their mental health and well-being and make positive changes in their lives. They require top listening and transferable skills, along with a great level of empathy. 

It is another one of the great careers in health and social care whose demand is increasing with every single passing day as more and more people are accepting counselling as a helpful step in their recovery process.

5. Health Psychologist

They help the patients to improve and further build a positive attitude towards health. They help in making positive changes in their thinking and behaviour. 

A masters in health and social care management is required to become a health psychologist. These people are generally working with patients dealing with eating or fitness disorders who have succumbed to society’s pressure. 

A health psychologist helps you in navigating through your health and fitness habits for a healthy you.

6. Social Worker

Social work has been widely taken up when it comes to health and social care, they help people and families to live more happily. They encourage the patients or people to live more independently and it requires a great deal of problem-solving skills, listening skills and teamwork ability. You’d require a degree in social work approved by the Health and Care Professions.


So, these were some of the most prominent and growing careers in health and social care that require more participation and involvement from the youth of today. A lot of these jobs are now growing due to our society’s evolution in terms of thinking about mental health and how important it is to treat it. 

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