BA (Hons) in Business Management

Programme Overview

C3S Business School offers the flagship programme of BA (Hons) in Business Management to students who seek more profound knowledge in understanding the complete domain aspects of business administration and management. Students get practical experience with core business knowledge while developing skills such as management skills, entrepreneurship, communication & interpersonal skills. In addition, they develop a strong analytical ability with a global perspective while understanding the ethical and social responsibilities that come with a managerial position.

You’ll discover how to prosper in today’s dynamic international economy. Your abilities will therefore be applicable anywhere, whether your goal is to launch your firm or work for an organization.

Career Opportunities

The objective of our programme, BA (Hons) in Business Management is to give students a strong foundation for pursuing careers in various organizations. This qualification prepares learners to be ‘business ready,’ fostering confidence, independent thinking, and a comprehensive understanding of business and management, along with the ability to quickly adapt to change.

Graduates of BA (Hons) in Business Management are offered roles such as Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Operations Analyst, General Manager, Business Process and Design Analyst, Procurement Manager, Business Development Manager, and International Sales Manager, among other positions.

Module Overview

Academic Writing and Research Skills
Business Operations
Communication in Business 20
Finance and Accounting
Leading and Managing Teams
Operating in a Global Context20
Principles and Concepts of Strategy20
The Management of Human Resources20
Marketing for Managers20
Business Law for Managers20
Management Accounting and Decision Making20
Business Start-up; Conception to Market20


To succeed in the future, managers must develop the resources and capabilities
needed to gain and sustain advantage in competitive markets. The way in
which organizations attempt to develop such competitive advantage
constitutes the essence of their strategy.

Indicative content

  • Introduction to strategic management: What is strategy; strategic analysis;
    classical and emergent schools; strategic thinking; levels of strategy.
  • Strategy context. Competitive advantage of a firm: Defining the business
    environment. Industry analysis: turbulence and dynamics. Porter’s five forces; new
    dynamics in the 21st century.
  • Business level strategy: Sources of competitive advantage: Competitive stance,
    business level strategy, corporate level strategy; generic strategies; hybrid
    strategy; value chains.
  • Beyond competition: The nature of competition; co-operation; co-opetition;
    strategic alliances and joint ventures; mergers and acquisitions.
  • Strategy in the public sector: Public-private partnership as a strategic tool of
    public sector management


You’ll combine theory and practice to examine organizational change and
transformation in times of uncertainty

Indicative content

  • Analyzing change contexts and drivers: The change context: globalization,
    technology, and changing market dynamics; change management and
  • Theories of change and approaches to change management: Models of change
    and change management; trans- formational change and organizations; Critical
    discourse in change management.
  • Human resources issues in change management: Participative change ;
    managing psychological contracts, social identity, stakeholder positioning and
    dynamics in times of radical change ; voice, dialogue and rethinking resistances
    in radical change; Culture, habits and unlearning.
  • Change in context: (this will change each year and will form the basis of the
    guest lectures)
  • Leading and managing change: Transactional and transformational leadership; a
    competency framework for transformational leadership; values and value-based
    systems in transformational change


Undertake some practical research in response to a current business need of a
real company and produce a suitable management report with

Indicative content

  • Analyzing a problem: Using different analysis techniques such as data flow
    diagrams, entity relationship modeling and process mapping, examine
    problems to better understand the current position of the business.
  • Innovation and innovation techniques: Using different creativity and innovation
    tools to help find solutions to business problems
  • Innovation for global growth (IGG): Work with multiple organizations – public,
    private and third sector, on a challenge they currently face. This will provide a
    scoping opportunity for the problem and a chance to test possible solutions.
    Prior to this event discussions on professional behavior and communication will
    take place.
  • Developing and presenting the solution: Take the solutions identified during
    IGG and further investigate their suitability. Develop one or more solutions to
    provide an implementation plan for the organization.


Contemporary accounting, business and management issues and to gain an
in-depth understanding of current thinking

Indicative content

  • Business and management: Contemporary issues in general management
  • Human resource management: Contemporary issues in human resource
    management, organization theory and structure
  • Marketing: Contemporary issues in marketing
  • Accounting and finance: Contemporary issues in accounting and finance.


This module provides a framework for the study of the challenges of managing
in complex international business environments.
Indicative content

  • Introduction: The theoretical background: Globalization and international
    business; Analysis of international external business environment; political
    factors; economical factors; social factors; technological factors and
    implications for international managers; International trade theories and
  • International Business Strategies: Strategy and international business; Country
    evaluation and selection; Export and Import strategies; Direct investments and
    collaborative strategies.
  • International and cross-cultural management: International Dimensions of
    Culture: Understanding various dimensions of culture; Hofstede’s (1980) National
    Culture Approach and Trompenaars (1993) Cultural Dimensions. Implications for
    International Managers. managing employee relations in multiple contexts
  • Managing in international contexts: Culture and Negotiations: Understanding
    the relationship between culture and negotiations; how to reconcile possible
    conflicts regarding differences in culture and negotiations.
  • Contemporary issues in managing international business: Managing
    international work assignments, Understanding the implications of CSR on MNE
    decision making.
BA Hons in Business Management in Barcelona

Teaching Methodology


  • Classroom Lectures
  • Consistent Seminars and Workshops
  • Hands-on Experimental Learning
  • In-depth Collaborative Debate and Discussion


  • Access to Google Classrooms
  • Virtual Classroom Lectures
  • Online Study Materials and Resources
  • Dedicated QA Session
  • Virtual Debate and Discussion

Admission Requirements

  • Application form
  • High School diploma certificate and other educational credential certificates
  • Official transcripts
  • Copy of passport
  • Updated CV
  • Reference letter from former academic institution or current employer (if applicable)
  • IELTS overall 6 bands / TOEFL 70 /PTE 52 or equivalent or C3S Credibility Interview*
    (Contact our admissions manager for more information)


*Tuition fee instalment plans are available. Please contact C3S’s Admission Department for further details

Registration fee

Non-refundable, paid with application : €300

Tuition Fees

6,500 Euros / Year

Program Duration

Three academic years


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?