How to Select the Perfect Undergrad Program

1.Attend an open day event

Attending an open day is the greatest approach to determine if you  would love studying at a specific business school. Such open days  provide you the opportunity to explore the campus, departments,  and other resources in addition to learning about the program.

The majority of business schools are having open days online due to  COVID constraints. While an in-person visit is preferable, we  nevertheless encourage signing up for online open days since they will  provide you with insight into campus life, program modules, and  academic support services. By attending open days online, you may  save money and make it simpler for yourself to participate, so  capitalize these virtual sessions. 

Usually, in the last quarter of the year, C3S Business School hosts on campus and online Open Day discussions for potential students.  Register on our website, or contact our Admissions team if you need  a customized one-to-one meeting.

C3S Class Room

2. Inquire, Inquire, and Inquire!!

You can interact with professors and other staff members and ask  them any questions you have about the program during open days.  Here are a few ideas for questions you can ask: 

  • – What is the typical size of a class in this program? 
  • – How will this program be graded? 
  • – How many contact hours will I have every week? 
  • – What about field trips?  
  • – Do we get to do internships?  
  • – Are there going to be any group projects?  
  • – Are there any opportunities to study abroad? 
  • – Who are the professors teaching this program – their profile? 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to speak with the student support  and admissions teams! Inquire about their impressions of the program,  as well as their suggestions and assistance with accommodation,  campus life, and student support services. Their prior experiences with  graduated students would be beneficial in assisting you in making  your selection.

Small class sizes and hands-on learning are important to us at C3S  Business School. We use an immersive learning style to educate,  which pushes students to apply what they’ve learned in class to real world business problems. We organize periodic site visits to course specific corporate offices in a variety of industries, as well as guest  lectures of various CXOs from multinational corporations to share their experiences with our students (subject to COVID norms).

C3S Students

3. Take a comprehensive look

The same course, with a very similar format, is offered at several  academic institutions. This can make deciding between degree  programs based only on titles challenging. Take a deep dive into the  program outline and study all of the module outlines from beginning  to end to choose whether program or school is appropriate for you. 

Each of our degree and diploma programs, both online and on campus, has its own dedicated page on the website. Go to our  website’s Programs area and select the program you’d want to  pursue, such as BA (Hons) in Business Management. When you click  on a specific program, you will be redirected to a page with detailed  information on that program.

4. It's all about the location.

When it comes to choose the best undergraduate business school, it’s  important to look at more than just the learning content. You’re not  only selecting a program; you’re also selecting a school. And where  you live might influence which ones you apply to. 

C3S Business School is located in the heart of Barcelona, with easy  access and connectivity to public transport – metro, buses, etc. Also,  local amenities and major tractions are within walkable distance.  Multi-cuisine restaurants, and other entertainment and leisure spots  are also round the corner. The famous La Ramblas street is just minutes  away from the campus. Thus, all in all making it a geographically  appealing campus location for all our national and international  students.  

We also have affiliations with various housing agencies and  companies that provide affordable accommodations to our students.  Check out our Accommodation Guide page to know more!

Aerial view over La Rambla with Columbus Monument at evening in Barcelona. Photo: Shutterstock

Are you considering C3S Business School?

Do you want to learn from some of the most successful business  experts in various industries, in one of the Europe’s most lively and  rapidly developing cities? 

Then C3S Business School, Barcelona, it is! 

To assist you in making your decision, browse our program portfolio on  the website, grab one of our campus brochures, or make an inquiry  to our admissions team today!

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Pooja Shah is more than a decade old in the education industry with roles ranging from Professor at a B-School to Foreign language facilitator in China to Content Strategist for an education giant. She is passionate about educating and inspiring the world with generic and specific topics relating to her industry with authentic and accurate information. She heads the Digital Content and Engagement department at C3S Business School.

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