How to Be Job-Ready while Studying at a B-School

Studying abroad is the best time to hone your networking skills, make lasting friendships, and take steps towards building your career and future. 

However, in reality, the reason why millions of students choose to study abroad is to get better job prospects and grow financially.

Of course, employers prefer candidates with a higher education degree over high school graduates or equivalent, but the employment market is quite fierce and highly competitive.

Hundreds of people will apply for the same position or job as you; if you want to stand out, an internationally recognized degree will definitely help.

But getting your dream job will not just be about academic grades, it can be subject to a wide range of professional skills – a lot of which you can learn while studying in business school.

Below are some of the pointers to keep in check for being employers’ favorites:

Go hard on extra-curricular activities

Being a part of extra-curricular activities will always have its thrill, be it making new friends, learning a new skill, being a part of a soccer team, or managing events for the college by joining a club.

Being a part of a club is a fantastic opportunity to socialize, chill, and take a break from studying for a few hours each week.

Potential employers can see that you are a hardworking student who can juggle multiple facets of your life by learning about your passions outside of your education. Regular involvement in clubs and activities is another sign of commitment.

Grades are important

In order to impress employers, it’s critical to put in a lot of effort during your time on campus and to score the highest grades you can.

However, the learning journey is all about balance; if you can combine good grades with the variety of diverse topics covered below, you’ll have a strong CV that can assist you in finding employment once you graduate.

learning at c3s business school
Check out the internship opportunities

Many graduates lack work experience, so if you can acquire some before you graduate, you will be able to stand out to employers.

Many businesses like to hire students as interns since it gives them some extra assistance, and it also benefits you by giving you something to put on your resume.

Additionally, you’ll have a far better chance of being hired after graduation by the same company where you did your internship while studying.

Decorate your CV with your wins

Always keep track of everything you did while attending college that an employer could find interesting. This log can be kept on your computer or in a hardcopy format.

You can include accomplishments like winning a sporting event, receiving positive feedback from professors, or getting good grades.

Employers prefer to see actual examples of your work, so it’s helpful to keep track of your own growth in both your academic and extracurricular endeavors.

Go beyond your comfort zone

Finally, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Employers frequently seek out individuals with a diverse range of abilities and interests.

Don’t be afraid to take chances and put yourself out there since you never know when they can come in handy during an employment opportunity.

Level up your ‘job-ready’ skills at C3S Business School

We offer a variety of programs that can assist you in the growth of your skills and knowledge if you wish to equip yourself for a career in business.

Our students have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities. Learn more about the experience at C3S Business School.

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Pooja Shah is the Head of Digital Content and Engagement at Barcelona's C3S Business School. She has over 12 years of international experience in the field of education, with a diverse portfolio of roles. She is the driving force behind the school's digital content on its website and social media platforms. She went on to get her MBA with a specialty in Human Resources after excelling academically in her Bachelor's in Computer Applications. Her passion is to educate and inspire the humanity, thereby contributing her bit to the society.