C3S is getting ready for “the new normal” following a long coronavirus lockdown

Coronavirus Update (COVID-19)

The world was taken aback a few months ago by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving each one of us shocked and unprepared for a situation like this. Our personal and professional lives have been impacted and it has brought a great deal of change in how we would move further with our routine. Amidst all of these, C3S Business School management team has been extending support 24 X 7 to its current international student cohort to help them with their safety and studies. The teaching faculty has made sure that the on-going courses are not affected and the students get the same value from online classes that they would get on-campus. It is certainly a different experience , however it has pushed us all to be creative and innovative with our solutions. 

As we await the new guidelines from the Spanish government for a safe return to Universities and higher education institutes in September, we have already planned our re opening. Anticipating that we would have permission to operate in September, our staff is busy making the school ready for the students.

Sanitization and arrangements of masks are in order. Our priority will definitely be the safety of all the students and staff members. 

We are doing our best and wish you all to be safe and responsible. We hope to meet all the happy faces soon again! 

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